Monday, September 12, 2011

NYSARC Kicks Off 62nd Annual Convention on October 20th

NYSARC's 62nd Annual Convention is being held Thursday, October 20th through Saturday, October 22nd. The theme for this year's convention is "Moving Forward: Advocacy in Action."

The programming has been expanded to include educational and training opportunities for self-advocates and direct support professionals. The stars of the documentary Wretches and Jabberers will be the first keynote speakers.

NYSARC holds a convention annually to provide an opportunity to expand upon the collective knowledge and understanding of our field as we go into the future. Workshops are selected that are consistent with NYSARC's mission and vision as well as being focused on timely and important topics. The convention also allows NYSARC to reach a large number of people with a unified voice. The hope is that, each year, the attendees are educated and their eyes are opened to opportunities, challenges, soluntions, and ideas that they were not privy to before.

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