Wednesday, November 20, 2013

New Video Released from Songs for NYSARC CD

The third video from the Songs for NYSARC CD has just been released.  "We're Just the Same" is a true story about facing a fear. Some of us are uncomfortable being around people with intellectual disabilities and don't quite know how to act so we behave awkwardly. This song was written (and performed) from the heart by someone who recognized and faced that fear, Terry Vital.  Watch "We're Just the Same"
For those who haven't heard the wonderful songs on this great CD yet, you can hear all the songs, buy downloads, and make a donation at: Songs for NYSARC - Arc of Orleans

The Songs for NYSARC CD can also be purchased at The Arc's Community Relations Department, 122 Caroline Street, or Rainbow Preschool, 243 South Main Street, both in Albion. Cost is just $5 and proceeds benefit Rainbow Preschool.

Please share the songs with your friends and help The Arc of Orleans County support families in our community!

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