The Board of Directors, staff, and the individuals served by The Arc of Orleans County would like to wish you and yours a Very Healthy and Happy New Year. We wish you joy and prosperity in 2012.
Thank you for your support and kindness in 2011!
The Arc of Orleans County's Nutri-Fair/Meals on Wheels will be holding a Pot Roast Dinner on Thursday, October 13, 2011 from 4:30 pm to 7:00 pm at 16 East Academy Street (Old Albion Grammer School).
Tickets are $8.00 for adults and $4.00 for children under 10. Take outs are available. Proceeds from this delicious dinner will benefit the Meals on Wheels Program.
We hope to see you there! Just think no cooking and dishes for you...what could be better!!
The Arc presented other awards on Friday, including:
(Courtesy of The Daily News in Batavia, New York / written by Tom Rivers)
NYSARC, Inc. has a new website! The new site was unveiled at the beginning of August and has many new features that will be of great value to individuals with disabilities, their families, and all who advocate for them. The new website can be found at and has many new features:
When NYSARC President John Schuppenhauer took office last October, one of his priorities was to embrace and expand on emerging technology. With the new website, they has definitely taken a step in the right direction. Congratulations to you, NYSARC, Inc. - Great Job!
What: Chiavetta's Chicken BBQ Fundraiser. Proceeds to benefit the Meals on Wheels/Nutri-Fair program
Where: The Arc of Orleans County Meals on Wheels/Nutri-Fair program at 16 East Academy Street (Old Grammar School), Albion, NY
When: Thursday, August 4, 2011 from 12:00 to 4:00 pm
Cost of Chicken BBQ: $8.00
What's Included in the Meal?: 1/2 chicken, salt potatoes, macaroni salad, roll with butter and dessert
Where Can I get a Ticket Info.?: Please contact 585-589-7817 for ticket info.
Can I Purchase Advance Tickets?: You can purchase tickets in advance at the Meals on Wheels/Nutri-Fair program located at 16 East Academy Street or at The Arc's Community Relation Department at 122 Caroline Street.
We look forward to seeing you and your appetite on August 4th!!!