Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Camp Rainbow Welcomes Improvements; Thanks to Eagle Scout Matt Prawel

Medina High School Senior Matt Prawel is a very busy individual.  He's a member of the Medina Mustang football team and the Medina Mustang Marching Band.  He's involved in the school's Student Association and works at Avanti's.  His goal is to major in Forensic Science at Syracuse University.  And he has been a part of the Scouts since first grade.  Prawel is a member of Troop 35 working toward his Eagle Scout badge, and he recently spent several days working at The Arc's Camp Rainbow to accomplish that goal. 
Matt Prawel stands beside the new and improved Camp Rainbow sign.
Prawel along with several scouts and friends, made some much needed and welcome upgrades to the Camp.  With the assistance of Stanton Signs in Medina and the Town of Yates, Prawel had a new sign installed by the roadside.  Prawel partnered with Greg Stanton in designing and creating the sign, and the Town of Yates donated their payloader to remove the old sign and install the new one.

Prawel and his crew also rebuilt and repainted the dozen or so picnic tables in the pavilion area, replaced an old wooden sandbox with a new one, and sanded and repainted the gate and fence near the front of the property.  Prawel raised the money for the project by asking family, friends, and local businesses for donations. 
Family and friends surround Scout Matt Prawel at Camp Rainbow.
On Friday afternoon, staff from The Arc of Orleans County, along with Prawel's family, and local and state officials were on hand to thank Prawel for a job well done.  Assemblyman Steve Hawley and Orleans County Legislator Lynn Johnson thanked Prawel for his hard work in completing this project.  Senator Maziarz shared that being an Eagle Scout is a tremendous achievement.  He told the crowd that President Gerald Ford once said becoming an Eagle Scout was the most important accomplishment in his life.  Prawel thanked those in attendance and said that the project was an "enjoyable experience" and he was "happy to be part of helping such a great organization." 

The Arc of Orleans County is extremely thankful for all of the hard work that Prawel and his team did to improve Camp Rainbow!  Prawel is the son of Mark and Tina Prawel, and the grandson of Russ and Pat Martino of Lyndonville, long-time supporters of The Arc of Orleans County.

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