Monday, November 2, 2015

Rainbow Preschool Mom Helps Agency to Receive $2,000 Grant

(Korey and Ashleigh)
Ashleigh Walls is a freelance writer and blogger as well as a busy mom of two active boys. Earlier this year she had been working for Huggies to promote the “HUGGIES “ULTRAHUG” PROMOTION.” The campaign was hosted by Walmart and it outlined the promotion where Huggies would provide ten $2,000 grants to ten lucky nominated community projects.

Ashleigh decided she wanted to nominate Rainbow Preschool because of the amazing strides that her son Korey has made since attending. Korey started at Rainbow Preschool when he was three. At that time, there were many things he couldn’t do. Korey signed but couldn’t speak, sit still, dress or feed himself and he couldn’t communicate his feelings. Rainbow Preschool provided occupational therapy and speech services to Korey. His communication and socialization skills increased. Korey learned to speak, dress and feed himself. He could also effectively express his needs and wants. Korey currently attends UPK (Universal Pre-Kindergarten) as well as Rainbow Preschool and is scheduled to begin Kindergarten in the Fall of 2016.

To nominate The Arc of Orleans County Ashleigh had to post an #UltraHug selfie with a write up on Twitter or Instagram about Rainbow Preschool being a community project that could use some love. The write up that she used for the nomination is below.

“The Arc of Orleans County has been there for my family since we found out that my son has special needs and developmental delays. As a young parent I was worried on what I should be doing or what his future would look like. The Arc of Orleans has a preschool program with wonderful teachers and therapists that have helped my son start talking, learning control and life skills. When my son is older, I don't have to worry about his quality of life as the Agency stays with families from birth through adulthood. They provide job opportunities for disabled persons, summer programs for children, a place for disabled adults to live and so much more. The Arc of Orleans feels like a family member to us and to many others in the community. This grant would go a long way for all of their projects and bring joy to all at The Arc of Orleans.”

The “HUGGIES “ULTRAHUG” PROMOTION” started with one thousand nominations and those were narrowed down to twenty. The voting was then opened to the public in July and the top ten vote getters using social media platforms would each receive a $2,000 grant. Ashleigh worked hard to promote the voting for Rainbow Preschool and it worked as we were one of the ten lucky recipients. The $2,000 check was received in September 2015.

Korey’s teacher, Kelly Squire stated, “The money will be used to purchase supplies and materials in conjunction with a core curriculum approved by the New York State Department of Education. We are so thankful and excited to have received this grant.”  Donna Saskowski, Executive Director commented, “We truly appreciate Ashleigh’s nomination and efforts in this promotion. She is truly making a difference in the lives of those we serve.”

(From left; Kelly Squire, Rainbow Preschool Teacher; Ashleigh Walls;
Korey Weslowski; Tabatha Pahura, Teacher Aide)

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